Learn to make Herbal Tea

Learn to make Herbal Tea
28 Sep 06:15 PM
Until 28 Sep, 07:45 PM 1h 30m

Learn to make Herbal Tea


Do you want learn how to blend your own herbal teas?
Would you like to know about the properties of the herbs in your herbal tea?!
Then this herbal tea making night is for you! Come along and taste ten different herbs while we talk about what each herb is used for then blend your own brews to take home for the winter months to come! All in the wonderful new bookshop in shoreham by sea @chapter34books

Date: 28th September
Time: 6:15pm till 7:45PM
Tickets: £12.50

Contact me via instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whimsybrews/ 
or email: Lilly-lawson@hotmail.com 


Buy Teas: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/WhimsyBrews

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