05 Jun
07:15 AM
05 Jun, 08:15 AM
Flow with Fran - Rise and Shine Yoga - Wednesdays
Organized by
Francesca Hodgson

Fran is a yoga teacher from Shoreham-by-Sea who has a passion for encouraging people to be in their bodies and experience the power of yoga.
Classes will usually start slow and build into a juicy, fluid movement practice to help you feel into your body and what it is telling you. There will always be options to take it up or down, depending on what you need.
Fran will never stop being amazed at the mini transformations that take place when she steps on the mat. You can step in feeling one way, and leave feeling completely differently.
When: Wednesday : 7:15am – 8:15am
Where:Â Chapter 34, 34 Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5WB.
Contact: flowwithfranbrighton@gmail.com Â
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