WRITE YOUR BOOK: a 6 week course at Chapter 34.

Is there a book you’d like to start writing or make progress on? Writing a book cangreatly help your career or business, and also your creative expression. Gerry Maguire Thompson leads a hands-on course for anyone is anywhere in the process of creating or publishing their book, fiction or non-fiction. You might want to
move forward with:
- thinking up what your book is about in the first place
- planning the book and its overall shape
- writing or editing the material
- getting the book published and read
Gerry is a successful professional author and writing coach whose books have sold half a million copies in fifteen languages. He has helped hundreds of authors create their own books for over twenty years.
The course runs on Thursday evenings 7 to 8.30pm from 25th January 2024 for 6 weeks. Places are limited and must be booked and paid for in advance. The course fee is £75, which can be paid to Gerry by bank transfer or Paypal.
To discuss suitability of the course or to make your booking, contact Gerry:
phone: 07986 561 860
email info@gerrymaguirethompson.com
or visit www.gerrymaguirethompson.com